Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thoughts of preparation...

I just stepped off the plane from a ten day cruise through the Bahamas on a beautiful yacht . I know what you're thinking- no, I did not buy a yacht with the extra cash I made this summer. In fact, I was being paid to lather on the sunscreen, order drinks, play in the warm shallow waters of aquamarine beaches.... as a nanny for two little ones. Haha. I did walk away with a tan, but my first priority was to Gavin and Sailor- 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 years old. They are adorable, but required some bit of attention. Despite a sickly 2 days of strept throat, I had a blast and am so thankful to have been a part of such a beautiful vacation. However, I am really happy to be back!

Somehow, returning home from this trek reminded me of my approaching departure to Guayaquil on August 13th. There are so many events between now and then that it seems overwhelming to imagine getting it all done! I recently found out that my great uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has a poor prognosis. Mom, Dorothy, and I will travel soon to visit him for the last time. Though this will be an awful loss in my family, I am grateful for the timing of it because I am still here to say goodbye.

God is teaching me a lot these days. Actually, this whole summer has been full of big and small lessons: trust in Him, read His word, remember His miracles always, pray a lot... oh yeah, and listen a lot. My Bahama babysitting job was a lot of fun, but there were definitely times that I ached for home, for my family, and for Chris. When I heard about my Uncle James, I realized how much could happen in even a 10-day span. How much will I miss in 4 1/2 months? The older I grow, the more important family seems to become. For the first time, I am realizing that I will not just be missing Chris, but my entire family, all my friends, and all that happens- the good and the bad.

As I begin to say goodbye and finish up all the millions of things to do before leaving, the Lord is preparing my heart for the distance by preparing my mind. He is showing me that, like anything worthwhile, the luxury of studying abroad (fulfilling a long time dream of mine) means sacrifice. I guess what I am trying to say is that, ever so vainly, I knew there would be people who missed me, but I forgot to think about all that I would miss...

These upcoming days to visit my Uncle James, who always felt more like a grandfather, at the end of his life are truly a gift for which I give thanks to God. Your thoughts and prayers for my Uncle and our family are appreciated in this difficult time.